

By On June 13th, 2008

Sleepy Cell Phone Users

Could cell phone usage contribute to poor sleep? Findings from a small pilot study suggest that it does. According to Gaby Badre. M.D., Ph.D., of the University in Gothenberg Sweden, healthy young adults and teens who make more than 15 calls a day are more likely to have poor sleep compared to those who use cell phones less often. In his presentation at the meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Dr. Badre said that heavy cell phone users in the study had more difficulty sleeping, waking up, and generally felt more tired during the day. However, Dr. Badre and colleagues found no differences in depression or anxiety among the participants using the Beck Youth Scale. The following is an excerpt of an article from Medpage Today that reviews the study:

Dr. Badre said that as a sleep specialist whose patients include young people working in London’s financial district, he has seen many heavy cell phone users who suffered from anxiety and whose sleep was disrupted.

To study the issue, he and colleagues enrolled 21 healthy volunteers, ages 14 through 20 and divided them into two groups according to cell phone use. The 11 in the experimental group used the phone a minimum of 15 times a day, although four reached more than 30 and one young woman continually hit 200 calls or messages a day, he said.

Click here to read the rest of this study from Medpage Today

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